Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A few of My Hand Painted Pieces

Here is a picture of a chair I picked out of a trash truck. I loved the lines but not the brown color. So I added some happiness to the chair :-) This style of painting is actually my favorite but you know what they say about variety...

My first try at zebra stripes:

First attempt at pansies:

All done freehand

Trying out metallic paint~trying to go for a Steam Punk look. The spikes on the back as well as the top have holographic glitter on them:

Blonde laminate Cedar Lined Wardrobe found on side of road. Just added some happy paint and sold it to a new home.




BrushedByAnAngel said...

I love the chair. I don't normally mix my style of painting but recently painted stripes and checks on a tray with little green frogs, and it sold!!! I could hardly believe it. You do a really great job with your painting, so glad to have found your blog.

Amy@TheLemonCottage said...

Katy- when I first saw this, I immediately thought about an Event in my town (to raise money for Hospice)... It's called 'The Chair Affair'... artists paint chairs and they are auctioned off.

Your chair is AWESOME!

gail@My Repurposed Life said...

Katy, it all looks so good, but my favorite is the first chair! It is so cute! I would never have the patience to paint like you do! Great Job!

vintagesue said...

love them all!!!! i am all about road kill furniture!! ain't it the best. you have certainly redefined trash to treasure....that is for sure!!! those pieces are gorgeous.

Be Colorful Coastal said...

Oh wow. I'm so glad to have found your blog. I feel like I just found my artsy soul mate. I love it all but the first chair and the wardrobe are especially amazing. Love them! Don't you kind of hate to say good bye to them when they are sold? I just sold a piece today that I wish I had kept.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I love those chairs! Wonderful! :)

I Play Outside The Box said...

Awesome chairs!!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, I think I'm addicted to your site. I like painting furniture just like this. I can see myself being comfy cozy here as long as you keep posting! Thank youuuu! :)
